Hello! I am back! Since May I have been exceptionally busy but now I have finally found the time to update my website. Over the next 10 weeks I am going to be posting one News article per week to inform you of all the exciting things I have been up to… First post: Artist and Designer.

Back in May I was lucky enough to be involved in designing t-shirts for a local company called Spartans Academy of Krav MagaSpartans Academy provides Authentic Israeli Krav Maga Self Defence classes across the UK and Romania 'Here is the Woman' Ladies Tee in Greyand had decided to start their own clothing line.  I designed a couple of t-shirts, but this portrait of a lady walking combined with the text:

“Here is the Woman

You are looking

She trains KRAV MAGA


Really stood out and effectively portrayed Spartan Academy’s ethos and the attitudes of many of it’s female members.  This t-shirt, along with many other clever and classy Krav Maga designs, is available from Spartans Academy’s shop.

I am currently working on a couple more designs for Spartans Academy and can’t wait to see those in the online shop too.

Yorkshire Artist and Designer

Just had to post the picture of me wearing my own design.

Design Information: The beginnings of this design is actually the screen print, a screen print I created during my Print Module at the University of Leeds back in 2008.

Evident: I am always up for a new challenge and to learn something new, secondly, I never ever throw anything away – I have kept the majority of the art work I have created from being the age of 3.

Artist and Designer: I have always loved designing, having taken Textiles and Fashion Design during my school years.



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